Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's no joke!

Is Conficker a silly April fools joke? Well no one really knows what will happen on April 1, 2009 when all machines that are infected with Conficker gets their orders. What we do know is that pirated Windows installations around the world are vulnerable to Conficker, because Microsoft won't allow security updates to these machines. We also know that many legit Windows installations are also at risk because, for whatever reason, Windows Updates have been turned off. So you have it, millions of Windows machines, pirated and legit, just patiently waiting for April Fools Day. It's kinda ironic that the programmers have chosen April Fools Day as the trigger date for Conficker.... only fools and their unpatched Windows machines are targets.

Think you might be at risk.... go here for help:


Think you're safe... boot up tomorrow and see.